Children are more capable than we think and we love spending time with them and listening to their wisdom. We believe that if a child has permission to be themselves and the opportunity to practise thinking for themeless, they will learn more in the classroom, find it easier to belong and will be more likely to fly when they are older.

We bring tools and techniques from leadership development to inspire and support children to; discover more about themselves, learn how to connect with others, start thinking for themselves and learn how to coach others.

Learning to fly is similar to balancing a stone stack. 

It relies on developing and maintaining strong foundations that help us build our inner strength and core balance.

We encourage children to keep a journal as a place to test out their ideas and make as many mistakes as they want to. Research has reported.that journaling can help our children deal with big feelings, increase their imagination and creativity and build their independent thinking skills

You can purchase a journal here

You may also be interested in joining in with our journalling challenge – please get in touch if you would like your school to take part here

Purchase a journal

Family Challenge (Free)

We have been asked by a few families how they can practically share the stone stack with their children. So we have created our first mini challenge for families on our app! We think you will love it!

Each day Monday – Friday there is a question to think about during your day and you are encouraged to each share your ideas in the evening with the rest of the family – there is also a weekend activity linked to that pebble if you would like to do more when you have more time.

The questions are designed to help you learn more about each of the 5 keystones by bringing them to life in a practical way. They are simple and easy to understand for everyone in the family.

It is a way to learn more from each other, connect in a different way and be inspired by each other’s ideas.

The families who have been testing this for us had the following to say about it:

“It’s not heavy going, it is light and interesting!”

“We have loved the opportunity to learn together, it has lead to some interesting conversations at tea time!”


Family Challenge – via our app

This year Rachel has been collaborating with Sophie Stephenson from The Thinking Project. They have been co-writing a book called Raising Thinkers and recording a series of conversations for teachers and parents to hear more about each of the components of the thinking environment and how they can support teachers in helping children to learn to think for themselves.

Please download our free tool 10 Ways to help children think for themselves

Listen to Raising Thinkers

Year 6 Class Transition Workshops

We know there is a huge jump between primary and secondary school and how prepared our children are will have an impact on whether they have a flying start. We have been running Year 6 transition workshops to help children have some space to consider how they want to show up at secondary school and what to watch out for. These workshops are  1/2 day in the classroom and we try our best to bring a young person with us to answer all the questions the children might have.

If your child is about to start school here is some advice from year 6 pupils


Bespoke School Projects

We offer a range of possible one off projects for primary schools.

Recently we partnered with All Saints School in Anfield, Liverpool to undertake a 360 feedback review lead by children from year 4 & 5. The children designed the questions and conducted interviews with parents, teachers, staff and children from all year groups to see how well the school was achieving its mission and values. They presented the results to the head teacher and governing body.  Take a look at their short video below.


We are testing our ideas all the tine both with leaders in the corporate world and with children in schools both can learn so much from each other.

This year we are woking with a Year 5 year group to achieve the impossible. The whole class is taking part in our project to create a song from scratch and eventually get it played on the radio! The children have brainstormed the lyrics from their own experience and with the help and expertise of Tim Jackson from the Liverpool Philharmonic, who has composed the music for their song, ‘We just want to be..’

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