As parents we want our children to have the confidence to be themselves and achieve everything they want to in life. It sounds simple but of course there are lots of things that will happen to them as they are growing up that will either build or destroy their confidence and unfortunately we can’t always be in the room with them and even if we are, we won’t always handle it perfectly!

When we asked parents what they were most concerned about, the told us they wanted to feel reassured that their children will:

  • Always be themselves
  • Develop good friendships
  • Work hard
  • Develop independence
  • Be kind to others
  • Be able to bounce back from knocks
  • Follow their dreams

All of these things rely on letting our children watch how we do things and learn how to do things for themselves.

Our aim is to help you:

  • Imagine a parenting approach that is right for you
  • Believe in your ability and the ability of your children
  • Let go of worries, responsabilities and expectations that might be weighing you down
  • Create opportunities for your child to develop their confidence and build a closer connection
  • Trust in yourself and others and feel more at ease.

We would love you to be part of our flying community!

Flying Club

We learn best from each others stories.

Our brand new flying group meets every month virtually on a Friday lunch time. We share tips and ideas from coaching and stories that have helped or inspired us that month. There is also a chance for parents to bring anything they are finding challenging to group coaching. Using a technique called a Thinking Council from the Thinking Environment, we each share our thinking on the challenge presented.

This is a warm and friendly space filled with lots of wisdom. 

Cost £5 a month (£60 for the year)

If you would like to have a chat before you sign up please get in touch here. 

To sign up and check the dates, please click here.

Join in with our Finding Club

Finding Your Balance Challenge for Mums

This 5 week Challenge is taken from our unique Take 5 to Fly Programme which means you don’t need to find loads of time – if you have 5 mins a day or 25 mins, it could be transformational for you and your child.

This programme is specifically for mums of children at primary school. It is a virtual course via our My Flying Coach app. You can choose to do it all or dip in and out. There will be daily audios, journal prompts,  inspiration and ideas for you and your child plus a weekly group coaching session for those who would like to think with other like minded mums.

  • It’s gentle and strong – letting you think for yourself and make it relevant for your family.
  • It incorporates research and ideas from the world of leadership development and coaching.
  • There are opportunities to do fun activities with your child helping you develop a closer bond.
  • There is a community of like-minded mums to learn alongside – they will become part of your ‘village’ and share wisdom, ideas and encouragement.


Sign up to our next Finding Your Balance Course

1:1 Coaching for Parents

Our founder Rachel Day offers 1:1 coaching for parents who would like some space to think about their approach and also themselves. 

Rachel qualified as an Executive coach almost 20 years ago and has worked with hundreds of leaders worldwide. As a mum herself, she found coaching hugely beneficial in figuring out how to balance work and being a mum as well as how to be the mum she really wanted to be. 

Coaching Sessions are normally virtual and last an hour, some people choose to meet weekly, others every month. The advantage of 1:1 coaching is that it focuses only on what is important to you. You can bring any dilemma or question to coaching and think about it afresh. 

If you would like to have an initial chat with Rachel, please get in touch here.

“A unique opportunity to explore anything and everything in an environment that allows total freedom to be yourself and be accepted and respected by others. 100% sparks joy!”

Sue – Teacher & Parent.


Get in touch with us to chat

Unlocking Parenting Potential with Myers Briggs

Parenting is an adventure, and we’re here to equip you with the tools you need to navigate it with confidence. In this free webinar, Rachel Day introduces parents to the Myers-Briggs framework, which is a well known tool in the field of leadership development, it will give you unique insights into your preferences and those of your children, helping you unlock your full potential as a parent and better understand your child’s unique needs.

Watch Unlocking Parenting Potential

This year Rachel has been collaborating with Sophie Stephenson from The Thinking Project. They have been co-writing a book called Raising Thinkers and recording a series of conversations for parents and teachers to hear more about each of the components of the thinking environment and how they might play in role in raising children who can think for themselves.

Please download our free tool 10 Ways to help children think for themselves.

Listen to Raising Thinkers

Learning to Fly Podcast

Our very own podcast – Learning to Fly chats to a range of guests from Kelda Wood who rowed the Atlantic, to Karen Van Der Poll, a coach and a mum whose child had a life changing accident, to Stuart Pearce the renowned England Footballer and Manager and Nancy Kline president of Time to Think. 

All of these conversations share wisdom and inspiring stories that might help us parent and teach differently in order to help our children develop confidence and fly.

For the last 5 years we have been learning from others about how they learnt to fly so that we can change what we might do as parents and teachers. We love being inspired by others so if there is someone you would like us to interview, please let us know. You can listen to our podcasts in the usual places

Explore our Learning to Fly Podcast

Family Challenge

We have been asked by a few families how they can practically share the 5 Keystones with their children. So we have created our first mini challenge for families on our app! We think you will love it!

We have designed a challenge you can do together, introducing each of the 5 keystones in a simple and practical way to help you all learn to fly.

Our family challenge is designed to do alongside your children – each morning you pick up a question to think about and then share what you have learnt with each other at the end of the day.

Its an easy, simple and fun way to start flying for everyone in the family!

Join in with our Family Challenge!

Our Weekly Planner

Our gorgeous weekly planner is a great way to learn to fly every week while completing all your ‘to do’ tasks.

It is designed to give you plenty of room to capture all your day to day tasks and encourages you to focus on finding your balance using our unique stone stack approach.There is even space to choose your own inspirational quote to keep you grounded for the week ahead.

We have designed these planners so they are great for adults, teenagers and younger children.

They are a beautiful gift for family and friends or just yourself!

Purchase our Weekly Planner

Join our adventure

Sign up to our newsletter and inspire yourself and others to fly!