Teachers play a huge role in helping our children learn to fly. We have been spending lots of time in classrooms, coaching teachers. and creating some small practical ways to help children to find their voice and increase their sense of belonging in the classroom. Our games and techniques aim to be inclusive and build confidence. Enabling children to learn more about themselves and each other, as well as developing their listening and coaching skills.

1:1 Coaching for Teachers

One of the biggest challenges as teachers is finding time to think. To pause, step back and reflect on what is working and not working and what new approaches might make all the difference.

Whatever your challenge as a teacher, whether it is about being more organised or handling poor behaviour or parent communication, coaching can help. It creates a space for you to find your sense of balance, reset and go again with focus and energy. 

Rachel qualified as an Executive coach almost 20 years ago and has worked with hundreds of leaders worldwide – in the last five years she has been coaching class teachers, team leaders, assistant heads and heads. 

Here is what people have been saying about her:

If you would like to have an initial chat with Rachel, please get in touch here.

Get in touch with us to chat

How to help children think for themselves – Inset Workshop

“One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the ability to think for themselves”  Nancy Kline

This workshop is aimed at teachers and teaching assistants, we will introduce some of the key research from the thinking environment ® and help you explore how it might alter your teaching approach.  You will learn about the importance of independent thinking in helping children learn, develop resilience and increase their self esteem. 

Enjoy space to think for yourself and learn how to create this for your class.

We will focus on:

  • Why is it important for children to learn to think independently?
  • What are the core concepts in relation to teaching?
  • What are the 10 ideas we need to consider in order to help children to think for themselves?
  • How can I bring these ideas into my classroom every day?

Each participant will receive a set of component cards

Length of this programme – 3 hours

Delivery can be face to face or via zoom.

How to help children think for themselves – inset workshop

We encourage children to keep a journal as a place to test out their ideas and make as many mistakes as they want to. Research has reported.that journaling can help our children deal with big feelings, increase their imagination and creativity and build their independent thinking skills

You can purchase a journal here

You may also be interested in joining in with our journalling challenge – please get in touch if you would like your school to take part please get in touch with us here

Flying Journals

This year Rachel has been collaborating with Sophie Stephenson from The Thinking Project. They have been co-writing a book called Raising Thinkers and recording a series of conversations for teachers and parents to hear more about each of the components of the thinking environment and how they can support teachers in helping children to learn to think for themselves.

Please download our free tool 10 Ways to help children think for themselves.

Listen to Raising Thinkers

This beautiful resource pack is helpful for teachers and parents. Each card shares ideas and questions to help you explore how you can support your child or class to think for themselves.

The cards have been designed in collaboration with Sophie from The Thinking Project. We use them as a resource on our inset days and parenting course. They are a helpful way to focus on one particular area or on a few that are important that day or week.

They can be used to play a game in class, start a conversation with your child or just have on your fridge or wall as a daily reminder.  The cards come in 2 sizes – postcard size and A4.

10 Ways to Help Children Think for Themselves Postcards

Year 6 Class Transition Workshops

We know there is a huge jump between primary and secondary school and how prepared our children are will have an impact on whether they have a flying start. We have been running Year 6 transition workshops to help children have some space to consider how they want to show up at secondary school and what to watch out for. These workshops are  1/2 day in the classroom and we try our best to bring a young person with us to answer all the questions the children might have.We also ask the leavers to share their wisdom for the new children starting school.


Pupil Voice Project

We recently partnered with All Saints School in Anfield, Liverpool to undertake a 360 feedback review lead by children from year 4 & 5. The children designed the questions and conducted interviews with parents, teachers, staff and children from all year groups to see how well the school was achieving its mission and values. They presented the results to the head teacher and governing body.  Take a look at their short video below.


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